A beautiful concept. I like the idea of showing off the unity of humanity. The implementation could be a lot better IMHO. They present the idea in a very convincing way, but it looks ugly. Thousands of years ago, Egyptians built the pyramids. Thousands of years ago. So now, in 2007 they just want to go for quantity over quality by building hundreds of walls a few metres high?
With such a grand concept behind it, it is too simple. Anyone can build a wall, things like the Great Wall of China slap this in the face. I'm for the idea, but please, to call yourself the eighth wonder of the world is a freaking joke. Our knowledge of engineering has advanced quite a lot since the those ancient times we should be able to make something more unique and an achievement of modern engineering, art, culture and something people want to fly from all over the world to see.
Also, the idea of just using names on the wall is too reminiscent of war memorials and walking through a cemetery. Just because of how formal and boring and uninspired the walls are. The website doesn't even say how big your name will be. There are no reasons given for why only 1% of the population can be named. I don't think enough thought and effort were put into the design. Ok, I don't want to be overly critical. It is an impressive idea, and a good intention behind it.
Now how about the cost? 5 Euro raising to 20 Euro!! WTF! 5*65*10^6= 325 million. That means they will raise somewhere between 325 to 1300 million Euro (current exchange rate is 1.36 USD per Euro). I doubt 272 walls and a globe cost anywhere near that much. Also the "splendid" garden didn't look all that splendid from the animation.
Anyway I hope they get their 65 million names. I might even sign up, but not yet and at that price. You can build something far better for 1.3 billion euro.